The FutureBrand Super-Sustainability Report
A Super-Sustainable business:
“Goes beyond climate, to create, support and exhibit the behaviours and practices on which human well-being can be maintained and extended.”
In a world transformed by the shocks of 2020, our renewed sense of human fragility means companies seeking to stay relevant and succeed in the future must rethink and enlarge their approaches to sustainability, now.
While the core tenets of historic concerns around climate change remain, intensifying public expectation means that businesses must push beyond existing sustainability best practices in ways that direct and inspire multiple actions and experiences that address wider human well-being.
Those that succeed will become Super-Sustainable and benefit disproportionately in terms of public, employee and investor goodwill and commitment. Those that don’t, can expect to be left in the cold.
FutureBrand will be focusing on super-sustainability, looking at who’s leading and who’s struggling and inviting businesses of all kinds to go beyond what we once thought would be enough to secure a shared, positive future.
“Goes beyond climate, to create, support and exhibit the behaviours and practices on which human well-being can be maintained and extended.”
In a world transformed by the shocks of 2020, our renewed sense of human fragility means companies seeking to stay relevant and succeed in the future must rethink and enlarge their approaches to sustainability, now.
While the core tenets of historic concerns around climate change remain, intensifying public expectation means that businesses must push beyond existing sustainability best practices in ways that direct and inspire multiple actions and experiences that address wider human well-being.
Those that succeed will become Super-Sustainable and benefit disproportionately in terms of public, employee and investor goodwill and commitment. Those that don’t, can expect to be left in the cold.
FutureBrand will be focusing on super-sustainability, looking at who’s leading and who’s struggling and inviting businesses of all kinds to go beyond what we once thought would be enough to secure a shared, positive future.