Ludique Superstore
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- View other case studies related to - San Paulo
A universe of enchantment
With little over a decade in the Brazilian market, the children's shoe store Ludique bets on the ludic experience to delight parents and children. Future Brand was challenged to create a new store and evolve the brand experience, making room for growth connected to purpose. The first step was changing the name and logo of the brand from “Ludique et Baldin”, to “Ludique”. The change also occurred in the typography. All furniture and scenography in the store were designed to be functional and dynamic.
The store flows through two axes parallel to the central axis with mobile displays, making the layout more flexible and creating a circulation around the main scenography: the big Ludique balloon. On the perimeter walls of the store, there are modular displays: a versatile and replicable fitting system allowing the store to diversify product combinations with just a few components. This module also makes the most of the store’s area allowing for storage behind the panels. We want the parents to have fun with their kids in a nostalgic, inspiring, worry-free environment. The store provides areas for experience and discovery, not just shelves full of products. All the products and scenography are there to be tried and tested for the adults and kids to interact and create special memories.
“The idea was to expand Ludique's universe. Keep the nostalgia, but connect with other worlds and brands, because our audience changes a lot and very fast. We seek to represent a fantastic universe, with the magic of childhood alive.”
Arnaldo Bastos, creative director and partner of FutureBrand São Paulo.