For a full download of the visual presentation please email Hannah Wiersma (UXUS) by clicking here.

Access, not wealth, is the new status. If you know, you know, and if you don’t… no amount of money will give you that insider exclusivity. Culture and commerce have merged and today’s high velocity consumer is challenging current luxury retail models, by seeking clandestine unexpected experiences in unassuming locations spread via word of mouth through their social tribes.

Chief Creative Officer at UXUS, George Gottl, explores “Stealth Status” with exclusive peeks into hidden underground luxury experiences from across the globe, as well as unique insights to what the future of aspirational branding looks like for the new luxury landscape and how status today isn’t just about what you have, but about what you know.

George's virtual presentation as part of Retail Innovation week aired live this week, and answered questions such as:

What has caused our fatigue with traditional luxury brands?

What is considered premium now?

What does the future of advertising look like for brands who are now prioritising secrecy and individualised service?

The session helped clarify what the future of aspirational branding looks like for the “New Luxury” landscape and how status today isn’t just about what you have, but about what you know. Culture and commerce have merged with like-minded communities shifting the paradigm from exclusivity to inclusivity. While luxury still has a price, that price is more aligned to knowledge and access as opposed to just wealth. Useful knowledge for anyone who works in branding, social media, marketing and communications, exploring what the future landscape looks like for the luxury sector and unique insights into these key changes in the retail environment. Not based on trend reports but from George Gottl’s personal research and first-hand experience.


Today’s high velocity consumer is challenging current retail models. They are ever more demanding with new values and new rules. George helps decode some of the meteoric changes that are taking place in the market, with exclusive bespoke research and information that will continue to put Cannes Lions at the forefront of thought leadership in the consumer sector. The session contains unique insider knowledge and insights by an extremely qualified Chief Creative Officer.

Keep an eye on this space as we will be sharing more virtual presentation dates very soon!

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