On the 26th of April, the final of the first edition of the Young Lions Design in Spain was held at the FutureBrand Madrid office.
The finalists faced 11 professionals of renowned trajectory creating unconventional brands in this new ecosystem. A jury with expertise in design and extensive experience in the field of art, typography, illustration or teaching, allowed the proposals to be evaluated on the basis of strategic and creative criteria and rewarded both originality and quality of execution:
- Brandemia - Olga Llopis
- Folch Studio - Albert Folch and Rafa Martínez
- Serifalaris - Marina Goñi and Peio Atxalandabaso
- MrMarcel - Javier Nieto Roy
- Rayitas Azules - Ana Moliz
- Yoigo (Client) - Alexandra Martín, Resp. of Branded Content for Yoigo at MASMOVIL Group
- FutureBrand - Facu Boggino, Creative Director
- Scopen - Kika Samblás, Managing Director
- Fuego Camina Conmigo - Uri Fernández, Creative Director
"The participating teams have had 48 hours to work on a brief for the Yoigo brand, and we are very satisfied because the level of the ideas presented has been very high. We are proud to have sponsored this prestigious competition and to see once again that the talent of young people can be at the service of creating value for the brand and the business itself."
Facu BogginoCreative Director of FutureBrand Madrid